for Students.
Enter a world of workforce opportunity, learning the latest skills in California’s most in-demand industries. Ready
for Employers.
Hire local. Get customized career training and connect to a persistent pipeline of fresh industry talent. Ready
for the Community.
Help us keep pace with surging workforce demands in the always-evolving “Innovation Empire.” Get Ready with us.
Whether you’re launching a career or building a business… you’ll need skills to make it happen. Your local community college is Ready to deliver next-level training, student-centric support, and confident career connections.
Earn a degree, debt-free!
Set a tone for career success… and pump up your paycheck by 45%*.
Level up your skills
Increase your learning power with a short-term certificate or customized career training.
Join a community of support
Depend on your dedicated team of student services experts, every step of the way.
Get to work!
Enter the Inland Empire/Desert region workforce faster… and with more confidence.
We’re here to get you hired!
Connect to dedicated career support from day one.
Career resources at the READY
Financial aid advice & support

We’re all about access.
Your Ready community college offers low-cost programs that flex to your work, family and life schedule. Not sure if you can afford the experience?
DISCOVER FINANCIAL AID OPTIONS with expert, one-on-one assistance.
It pays to be ready
Career certificate earners boost their earnings by about 14 percent, while associate degree-holders in technical programs earn about 45 percent more in every paycheck than just having a high school diploma.
Source: Journal of Human Resources

GIS student, Mt. San Jacinto College

GIS student, Mt. San Jacinto College